A review by romankurys
The Sisters by Dervla McTiernan, Aoife McMahon


Picked this up to dabble in crime thrillers a bit.

It was ok.

I can’t say that it lit up a fire in me to read more crime fiction but overall it was just fine. Kind of like watching a Law and Order episode. Good to have running in background but probably not going to sit there glued to the screen.

It was cool to learn how British justice system works and I even learned a new word: Barrister.
The whole time I thought it was the same as Barista and was wondering if she had a part time gig at Starbucks or what not for a good 1/4 of the book.

So that was an amusing moment of learning when stuff began to not add up. I’m not sure if this is specifically a British thing or is used here in USA and I’m just not that much into it to learn, soo moving on.

This is a story of 2 sisters navigating a murder case with, as you may suspect, a bit of a twist. It was not, however a very plot heavy story, it flowed in a pretty straight forward way with a lot of focus on societal social issues.

Prominently on display here, are obstacles a woman might face in a police force as well as in a courthouse and as perspectives change from sister to sister you get a sense of the similarity of their situation despite the difference in careers.

Frankly put, a women perspective on the rigid set up of a justice system was a lot more interesting to read for me then the actual plot. I found some of the most tense moments were those with the sisters were put in a very uncomfortable situations.

Maybe that was the point?

It also made me wonder about the psychology behind unwanted sexual advances in the workplace and otherwise. Maybe I can look for a book