A review by turophile
Innocent by Scott Turow


Torn between 3 and 4 stars on this one.
It's been years since I read it, but I loved presumed innocent. So of course I wanted to read the sequel. Innocent is a good book, but doesn't quite live up to the original. Turow is at his best in the court room scenes and those closely intertwined with the legal case. The relationship between Rusty and Tommy and Rusty and his wife area also well drawn. Other parts of the book dragged, however, esp. the initial set-up. After the first several chapters, I was begging please get to the courtroom already.

I think one of the biggest challenges of the book is that very few of the central characters are likeable - Nate, the son and perhaps Tommy Molto. I just can't root for Rusty the same way I did in the first book. Neither of the main female characters are particularly likeable either.

It's a quick read, and I would suggest it to anyone who liked Presumed Innocent, but keep in mind it's not the same. I would also urge any readers who have not read Presumed Innocent to start their first.