A review by wingsandfables
Get Lost: Your Guide to Finding True Love by Dannah Gresh


Back-Story: I am always on the lookout for any type of self-help book for single girls. I noticed this one at the store I work at and after reading the back decided to go ahead and get it. Honestly, I think it was God who prompted me because I had given up on really finding any book that actually helped me.

I've read a lot of books geared towards singles in the past; however, this is my first book I've read written by Dannah. All of them had good information and I've gotten something out of all of them but none of them really captured my heart like this one did.

Review: I honestly think that if you go into this book with an open, willing heart and pray about it all, that you will definitely get a lot out of this book.

Looks- The cover is amazing. It's just a nice, simple, beautiful cover that I feel like really emphasizes that this book is going to focus on you and your relationship with God.

Content- Like I said, this book really captured my heart. Right from the very first chapter I was able to connect with everything Dannah had written about. I feel like she really gets to issues that some authors just aren't able to hit in the right way. Everything she was talking about from the "Humpty-Dumpty Syndrome" to the "Violent Craving" really hit me because they are things I really deal with and she told me that it was okay to have those feelings and that everyone does.

I didn't know when I first purchased this that it had a 10 day (or 10 week if you prefer to do it in a group) Bible study/devotional type of thing called "The Love Feast." Because I wasn't prepared for it, I really felt like it was something God put there for a reason for me. So I did what she suggested and I took guys off the table for my 10 days and didn't talk to any guys in any kind of a fun way, just to my coworkers at work of course. I got so much out of my 10 day love feast. Every day, Dannah focuses on a new issue that we single girls seem to always face. She talks about it and backs everything up with Scripture and then she shows the right way to deal with it and what we really need in order to stop the "Violent Craving" issues we face. Always at the end of the chapter, she gives you a way to act on what she spoke about in the chapter and she gives you a sample prayer that you can pray to start working on that issue. She also gives you space to write in the book so you can write how God dealt with you on that issue at the end of each chapter.

Dannah is a wonderful, highly relatable author. She gets right to the heart of the issue, tells you that it's okay to feel that way, and then shows you a better way to deal with it while always emphasizing that what you really need is a strong relationship with God because no man is ever going to give you everything you need. I loved that Dannah didn't take the "legalistic" approach that a lot of single help books do where they just tell you an issue that some of us face and then gives an answer and moves on. Dannah does that too but she also shows you how to help change your heart attitude to want the right things and to strive for the right things.

I think that this book would be good for any woman whether they're dating or not because it focuses on not getting your fulfillment from a man but to strive to have a close relationship with God because that's where true fulfillment comes from.

Likes: Highly relatable. Dealt with everything in a good, different way. Nice informative, but quick chapters.

Dislikes: Really minor things like some issues that I personally don't deal with. Nothing really worth mentioning.

Recommend? Definitely!

And if you have any questions about my experiences with the 10 day love feast or questions about this book, feel free to message me on here!