A review by hobbitfreddie
Eniale & Dewiela, Vol. 1 by Kamome Shirahama


While high concept and unique, that doesn't mean it's great. It's slice of lifey, but the mini adventures aren't too much to write home about. The art is beautiful though, given the mangaka made Witch Hat. Aside from the art the volume is not terrible but it's not that good, it's a solid 6.

Art: If you liked Witch Hat's art, you'll love the art here too. The panels are lively and beautiful, and are the strongest part of the comic.

Character: For such a high concept setting, the two leads aren't that good. They don't really seem to have a defined personality at all. They just serve to move the story or comedy. They do play quite well off eachother and have a fun relationship. The side characters aren't too good either. This being the exorcist and the little girl, Maria. Since there are four chapters, and 2 of them put a side character in the spotlight, it kinda brings down the volume as a whole. They just don't feel too special or anything. The minor characters are pretty fun though, especially the demons.

Story: For being so high concept and unique in it's premise, the story really falls flat. The problem isn't that it's episodic, it's just the adventures are just meh. The first chapter didn't have the most exciting concept, but the little gags and "shenangins" made it memorable. But the next three chapters are just eh. Shirahama here seems to be better at little moments and not the big picture. If the chapters had higher concept conflicts and stories to begin with it would be more enjoyable.

It seems more of a passion project aimed toward comic fanatics, so the comic artist in me did approve of that. It's really just hijinks and humour with good art. It's not the best story, but it's not too terrible.