A review by amiewg
Evil is a Matter of Perspective: An Anthology of Antagonists by Adrian Collins


I'm really glad I read this. The intro/analysis of good vs. evil was really thought-provoking. I especially liked the use of LOTR and Sauron in the analysis since I take anything Tolkien seriously lol.

I expected dark, gritty, bloody violence, or very emotional reasons as to why they became villains. In the end, I was 'Thanos was right' ing with all the ones I liked. I didn't really care about the justification of the person, I just supported them. I didn't get my dark violence the way I wanted tho.

Michael R. Fletcher's short story is one of the best things I've ever read. I think about it often. Manifest Delusions has been on my TBR for some time but now I'm invested in reading it sooner than later.

I also really liked Brian Staveley's, Bradley P. Beaulieu's, and Adrian Tchaikovsky's stories and villains.

The rest of the stories were hits or misses, maybe because I haven't read most of these authors before. But that's usually how it goes with anthologies.