A review by bennse2
Friendship by Emily Gould


Solid - well-paced, well-written. Very identifiable as a story about 30-somethings transitioning to adulthood now. I will warn: this isn't a light-hearted book, but it's still good!

"We're still relatively young, you know? I'm sure all kinds of unimaginable things, you know?" (56)
"I keep meeting humans who seem to just love themselves." (77)
"All these people" - Amy gestured at the couples walking by them at the outdoor flea market, eating grilled corncobs and tacos, grinning at each other in Ray-Bans - "are obviously going to break up once their sexual chemistry peters out. But we'll be together forever." (94)
Amy's impression of God was more or less that God was a reasonable guy/gal, a very wise yoga instructor type, who knew that you had done and thought some heinous stuff but didn't take it personally. (164-165)
"Whatever it is that you don't want to tell me but are also kind of dying to tell me, just do it now, even if it's horrible, please." Amy half suppressed a shocked laugh. How pleasant it was to be so known. (183)