A review by krisrid
A Season of Spells by Sylvia Izzo Hunter


It makes me so sad to not have loved the third book in this series, because I really loved the first two books. This felt like a completely different kind of book than the first two.

The first two books felt like going on a thrilling magical adventure with the characters, but this book, at least to the end of chapter 10, which is how far I got before I gave up, felt like more of a treatise on society and the societal expectations of the time.

The story was very slow moving, and there was very little actual action or anything of an adventurous nature in those first 10 chapters. It felt to me like all anyone did for all that time was talk, and while I don't mind listening to characters talk, especially when I like those characters, but when you are expecting an adventure, that is a bit of a let down.

I was also disappointed that so much of the early chapters focused so much on Lucia and Roland and very little on Sophie and Grey, and Sophie and Grey are what made me fall in love with these books. They are wonderful, and I missed them in the beginning of this book. Even when the focus finally shifted back to them, Sophie was just sitting around talking and looking at books. I understand that she was trying to research the old women's college, but it just wasn't what I was anticipating from this book, and ultimately wasn't enough to keep me reading.