A review by eminireader
The Takeover by Cara Tanamachi


A tech business world childhood rivals to lovers dual POV that was overall, likable. The MMC was sort of a cringe douchey tech bro in the beginning (see: referring to oneself as a "wolf") and I truly don't know how that was completely absent by the end, chalk it up to that character growth I suppose. I felt there were a few elements that were thrown in and were never expanded on and ultimately did not seem all that pivotal to the plot itself. The story never wholly captured me. There were a few too many stereotypes and cliches that pulled me from totally falling into it. You are rewarded with a few funny scenes and running jokes that kept me entertained and rivals to lovers is easily a favorite trope of mine so that kept me invested.

Both narrators were new to me and I did enjoy their narration and the quality of the audiobook.

Thanks to NetGalley and RB Media for the audiobook copy.