A review by mitskacir
The Night Shift by Alex Finlay


A highly enjoyable speed read. I enjoyed all the ins and outs of the mysteries and how the characters were interwoven, and it was a great summer read to get me through my layover in Chicago. My main complaints with the book are 1) it was hard to keep track of who knew what because of the alternating narrator structure, but maybe that can be blamed on myself for not being a very attentive reader and 2) there were a few red herrings that weren't satisfactorily explained (see spoiler section below). But mainly a solid mystery read!!

(POTENTIAL SPOILERS AHEAD: Why was Jesse so suspicious, besides just being a flighty teenager? It seemed like she was erratic mainly to make the readers suspect her. Why did the murderer keep Ella and Jesse alive? What was the reason he whispered to them? Why did he maintain a relationship with them after the murders?? To divert attention from himself?)