A review by lenoreo
The Prince & The Player by Tia Louise



3.5 stars -- This one started a bit slower for me, I was enjoying it, but it wasn't blowing me away. It ended with a blast though! It just sped right up and kind of overwhelmed me! But strangely, even though it ends on a cliffhanger, I haven't decided if I'll continue. Probably not. While I thought the plot/action was very intriguing, I wasn't completely sold on the romance and characters, which are kind of the things that most draw me into a story.

I had a few problems with the romance, and I think one of those problems stems from the fact that there are TWO love stories in this book, and that while it is dual POV, we get to read from the heroine of ONE COUPLE and the hero of the OTHER COUPLE. Which is kind of cool and unique, but ultimately not satisfying for me. Basically I didn't really get to focus on either couple well enough, and since I didn't get to see both sides of each love, I didn't really buy into the emotions necessarily. Obviously some romances are written in single POV, so you don't need to see both sides to buy a love, but then the author really needs to show me what the other half is feeling through our POVs eyes, kwim? Does that make sense? And I really did not get a feel for what Cal or Ava were feeling... Ava maybe a bit moreso, but honestly I felt like I didn't really get much from that love story at all, it felt more pushed to the background. So it kind of felt unnecessary.

And BOTH couples suffered from a lot of lust that didn't transform into love for me at all. I guess Ms. Louise was trying to go for insta-love or something, and I definitely felt the lust, but I have NO IDEA what drew them to each other (BOTH COUPLES) other than physical attraction. I guess I don't mind that quite as much if we get that development later in the relationship, like I'll give it a pass. But I NEVER really got a feel for what they were so infatuated with wrt their partner, besides the physical attraction. I really needed more emotion. Maybe it's because the love story I felt I got more of was Zee and Cal, and he was just so blunt and dirty talking and kind of forceful, that I didn't understand what made Zee different to him than the others.

And I guess that's the other thing. While I didn't dislike any of the main characters, I also did not fall in love with any of them. They were all ok, but maybe because the narrative was split between 4 main characters, I never really got a lot of development of any of them. And I must say that they all acted a lot younger than their ages. The girls felt like teenagers (particularly Ava, who is supposed to be 21), and the boys felt like college age. *shrugs* Which, some people really do behave that way at those ages, but I don't understand why in their particular case.

And while I felt like Zee was a bit naive with Reggie, I did end up enjoying the suspense and action that the book ended with. I was on the edge of my seat wanting to see how it was going to play out.

So yeah. Not a bad book, just didn't have enough of what *I* personally enjoy the most in my favourite books to keep me captivated. Oh well, not every book is a match for every reader.