A review by zlwrites
Cannabis: A History by Martin Booth


"Yet, as a society, we seem unable to accept that one drug and plant beyond all the others is essentially benign and offers so much.
"It may be that, in time, perceptions will shift and we will take the beneficence the cannabis plant has to give. Meanwhile, we must learn to admit it into our lives and our society, where it has had a presence, like it or not, for generations. And, perhaps, it is now time we stopped blinding ourselves with our narrow-minded bigotry and started, as the hippie jargon of the Swinging 60s would have put it, to 'get real.'"

Written in 2003

I learned so much about weed and how fucking stupid the fight to make it illegal was, I'm honestly just super pissed.

If you want the short version of this book, google "Harry J Anslinger."