A review by joanna1905
They Ain't Proper by M.B. Guel


A queer Western historical romance? Absolutely YES. They Ain't Proper was just so damn good. It felt like balm on a weary soul for queer folks who have been long deprived of access to quality queer historical fiction that isn't miserable.

They Ain't Proper is a well-written and engaging take on this genre that leaves you feeling warm and fuzzy to finally see yourself represented in this context. Queer people have always existed, Queer people were cowboys but like many other aspects of history, those stories have long been erased and ignored. Of course, this is a work of fiction but it's not a stretch of the imagination to think this story provides some insight into what that experience was really like.

They Ain't Proper serves as a perfect example as to why there's no excuse for queer narratives to be ignored in historical fiction, too often it's touted that queerness is a new modern concept and that there's no space for queer cowboys or dukes because back then queerness was some rare and unheard of thing. However, this book so seamlessly and effortlessly places sexuality and gender identity in a historical context in a way that's clear but doesn't feel too modern for the time.

This book is sweet and romantic and has so much heart - and I highly recommend anyone who enjoys queer romance to keep an eye out for when this one releases, it's a must-read.

Thank you so much to Bella books and NetGalley for a digital arc in return for an unbiased review!