A review by eldiente
Redeployment by Phil Klay


This was not an easy book to listen to. I have little direct military experience (two uncles served in the Navy during the Korean War and a grandfather served in World War 1) but I have always thought it decent and appropriate to thanks military personnel in uniform with something like "thank you for your service". After this collection of stores, I am uncertain if this expression of gratitude is appreciated or expected. What do those returning from war want? How do they feel and how are they adjusting to home life? This book asked these types of questions and didn't pretend to give comprehensive or complete answers.

The final story used a phrase I found to be an indictment of my attitudes toward the recent war in Iraq -"we are all gun six". That expression will remind me that even though I haven't pulled the trigger, I am somewhat responsible for supporting those political leaders who made decisions leading to war. All citizens bear some responsibility and duty for assuring that war is justified. That is a high standard.