A review by teriboop
Pioneer Girl by Bich Minh Nguyen


What a delightful book Pioneer Girl is. Bich Minh Nguyen weaves historical facts about Rose Wilder Lane and her mother Laura Ingalls Wilder and wraps them up in a mystery that brings two cultures together in an unseemly situation. The story's main character Lee comes across a picturesque dress pin that an American woman named Rose leaves at her family's restaurant in Vietnam in 1965. Fast forward to present time and find Lee searching for the woman behind the pin. During her search, she uncovers more questions about Rose's family, but finds some answers to her own.

I thoroughly enjoyed this book, as a fan of the two Wilder women I loved the books as a young girl and am still captured by the stories and the women behind them now that I am an adult. This was a fun read, but had a lot of heart and a serious message about the sometimes difficult family relationships that we all often must face.