A review by melodypowers65
Love Is Hell by Scott Westerfeld, Melissa Marr, Justine Larbalestier


This was a pretty good anthology of short stories. They were all fantasy, but not overly 'supernatural' or 'paranormal'.

My two favourites were Justine Larbalestier's 'Thinner Than Water' and Melissa Marr's 'Love Struck' and they were both fey oriented, which was so refreshing to see in todays seemingly vampire-and-other-supernatural/paranormal-being dominated market.

Scott Westerfeld's 'Stupid Perfect World' was set in a very similar world to his Uglies series (I don't *think* it was the same one, but it could have been, they were that similar!) and was interesting.

Laurie Faria Stolarz's 'Sleeping with the Spirit' and Gabrielle Zevin's 'Fan Fictions' were more on the paranormal spectrum, but I thought both were well done. The concept for 'Fan Fictions' and the style it was written in were especially intriguing.

I debated giving the anthology 4 stars, but since it's really only Larbalestier and Marr's stories that I felt warranted 4 stars, I thought 3 stars was a better overall score.