A review by tabman678
Batman: Detective Comics, Vol. 1: Mythology by Peter J. Tomasi

Batman: Detective Comics vol 1 Mythology is Peter J Tomasi writing Detective comics in the rebirth era picking it up for a run on the title after James Tynion’s 7 volumes worth.

As a starting point for Detective comics I think this is actually pretty good. But it’s even better as a Batman starting point within current continuity. Now granted this is not a story that I think would convert someone who isn’t already into Batman’s whole appeal. I say good for a starting point as in “I want to start reading modern Batman/ not the 5 Batman stories everyone already recommends.”

It’s a story about Bruce and his quest to build a better Batman. Something is targeting his mentors and allies. So he sets on a globe trotting quest to get to each of them first.

Reading this issue to issue was really good because I think Tomasi’s is always solid ranging from good to great. I think the issues here all fit in that range but know before going in that the intrigue is greater then the answer, it almost always is but it’s notable here because the intrigue is so interesting.

But while the answer isn’t as interesting for the intrigue what is interesting about the answers you get is what it reenforces about Batman’s character in his striving to save more and do more despite the crushing odds.

There’s a consistent art team you get that really needs up the visual appeal. I just love the way Doug Mahnke draws Batman, with the big broad shoulders and long flowing cap, and the poses he pencils it conveys action really well.

David Baron on colors nails it conveying the moody urgency the story has to it. Particularly the greens, blacks, and blues really pop. Because unlike other stories in current continuity Batman’s got some blue on that suit

Rob Leigh’s letters also deserve credit because how the monster speaks is intelligibly unintelligible. And what is said by the characters is never a struggle.

Christian Alamy and Keith Champagne inking make it appropriately stylish as they control the gothic shadows.

I don’t have a ton I want to complain about aside from the typical intrigue vs answers problem that mystery always has. It looks great, the read is fun, heavily plot motivating with enough flavoring of character. I recommend this one. Though if anything I’ve said is unappealing maybe this isn’t for you.