A review by amym84
The Lost Vampire by Kate Baxter


If you read [b:The Untamed Vampire|30528852|The Untamed Vampire (Last True Vampire, #4)|Kate Baxter|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1492814246s/30528852.jpg|51052436] you should be pretty acquainted with Saeed who was turned by Mikhail and then promptly swept up in the memories of the Collective. While looking through the memories of those long since dead, Saeed sees a beautiful Fae woman. Instantly he knows this woman is meant to tether his soul. When he's given information that suggests the fae woman is in Seattle, Saeed quickly steps down as head of his coven, and departs.

What awaits Saeed is an entrapment that is centuries long. Cerys Bain was captured by the feared mage Rinieri de Rege centuries ago. As a soul thief, Cerys generates enough fear on her own merit, but being under the command of Rin, and people try to avoid her at all costs. It's been a lonely existence for Cerys, but when she meet Saeed and he speaks about tethering, she can't help but draw a little bit of hope about one day being free, no matter how futile this hope may be.

I loved the build up of Saeed and Cerys' story in the previous book. I think that maybe this set me up for certain expectations, and while I still really enjoyed their romance, it didn't quite meet the expectations I had myself set up for.

While, yes, Saeed has been looking for Cerys for months and envisioning her within the Collective, Cerys doesn't know anything about Saeed. So I felt her attraction wasn't as genuine as Saeed's, understandable so of course. I would have like to have seen a little more balance in regards to Cerys' feelings for Saeed. I felt like the action of the storyline moved along too quickly. Really, the story is supposed to take place over the course of weeks thereby giving Cerys and Saeed the ability to get to know one another, but for me, it didn't feel like that. Had it, I think I would have been more on board with Cerys' feelings for Saeed.

I did love the insertion of the fae into the supernatural mix of this series. Of course the vampires take center stage, but I like that it's not just vampire and vampire tethering that's happening. I love that the world has been expanded out a bit more, and this includes Saeed actually leaving LA. True, he doesn't travel too far, but I like that things are growing as the series grows.

One of the big draws for me, and something that Kate Baxter has really executed well up to this point, is the overarching storyline with Ian Gregor and the berserkers. Their backstory, and the history they have with the vampires is very interesting. What's more interesting is Gregor's endgame. How is everything being set into place for the finale? I think we still have a few more set-ups, before then. Besides the Gregor storyline, Kate Baxter seems to have some interesting character romances in the works. I say "seems to" because I never know how these things will end up playing out, but I can't wait to see.

So far, this has been a great series, that keeps getting better.