A review by hana83
Avempartha by Michael J. Sullivan


Another awesome read! Our kind-hearted thieves are back! The story picks up about two years later in Colnora. Thrace, a farmer’s daughter from Dahlgren hires Hadrian and Royce to steal a sword to help her father. Intrigued by the job and by the possibility of meeting up with another familiar character, they take on the job for almost nothing.

While the main story follows the adventures of the two thieves, another thread follows Princess Arista, now the Ambassador of Melengar. The story alternates between the two until the storyline merges.

As the story unfolds, we gain more insight into the lead characters’ lives through subtle hints and some obvious revelations. We learn more about the origins of Hadrian’s amazing sword skills. We begin to understand why Royce is such a good thief and why he can open locks easily. Although I enjoyed Hadrian’s and Royce’s action based storyline a bit more than Arista’s storyline, I know it built the necessary background information about the church and the players within it. A picture begins to form for us of the conflict and the intrigues played between the church and Esrahaddon.

Some of my questions from the first book were answered, others still remain, and a few new ones come up. So, needless to say, I can’t wait for the next book in the series!