A review by dontmissythesereads
The Bitter Past by Bruce Borgos


Book #37 read in 2024

I picked up the second book in this series not realizing there was a first, so I needed to go back and catch myself up. Things that made me skeptical that I'd like this book/series: the initial crime scene and description were throw-up in my mouth brutal and it deals with Russian spies and espionage, not typically my type of reading. 

WOW, though. I loved this book. Beck is the type of character to which I'm drawn. He's funny and smart, and sometimes too much know-it-all, which I found appealing. The story itself, with the flashbacks to the past when the Russian spy actually infiltrated the testing program and the present day putting together of the pieces was fascinating.  I can not wait to read more in this series!