A review by powellen
Dreams of Savannah by Roseanna M. White


Dreams of Savannah was my first Roseanna M. White book, and as the stars suggest, I liked it. Immensely.

I wasn't sure what to expect, of course, except that it would be more of a romance... and then it wasn't really, I found out, and perhaps that made me like it even more. To be sure, it dealt with love between a man and a woman - this story belongs to them in many ways. But I was surprised with how rich it was in other themes besides the romance, woven into their lives both individually and as a couple. This was to me a very complete book, exploring hearts and minds that grappled candidly with the Civil War, and with the entwined issues of duty and slavery. Yet also, in the midst of the larger conflict and harsher realities, we learn what it means to love truly and honestly, to respond in the face disappointment and bitterness, to see people for who they are... in the pages of this beautifully-crafted book, in more ways than these, we learn in a fresh way what it means to live well.

I would be pleased to own a bound copy of this lovely book on my shelf. It's a worthy contribution to the world of books... at least, I found it so : )