A review by beckiebookworm1974
Wicked Bite by Jeaniene Frost


 This second book keeps the momentum firmly running at breakneck speed and this picks up where we left off and contrary to Veritas expectations that Ian is going to wake a complete blank slate unable to recall anything he still remembers pieces, feelings mostly from the previous few weeks. He also still had a burning need and compulsion to chase his absent wife and lock her down. He may not remember details but he does recall deep inside that she’s his just not all of the specifics.

Veritas is keeping as far away from Ian as she can she believes that to keep him safe he needs to be far away from her. If only Ian would play ball as he’s no intention of allowing the status quo to continue indefinitely and if that means he needs to chase her across the world to get his many answers so be it.

It’s not long before these two are again on the same page and as more of Ian’s memories return it becomes impossible for Veritas to continue to keep him at arm's length. We again have cameos from previous characters in this series also a whole lot of danger and some red-hot passion when these two finally do reconnect.

The finale was superb action-packed and filled with some edge-of-your-seat tension and unexpected plot directions. That roadblock at the end was totally a surprise not sure how that one’s going to pan out but I’m definitely intrigued. Ian and Veritas trilogy is the story I never knew I wanted but now definitely appreciate its another excellent addition to this amazing series.