A review by midknytowl
Take Me to the Cabin by Kaci Rose

Did not finish book. Stopped at 42%.
The first book wasn't written well, but the story was interesting enough fluff that was entertaining enough during my commute. This one though, if it saw an editor they should find new work. There were just such sloppy mistakes, where the other guy's names would be confused. Like Phoenix called Bennett, then hung up to call Cash, and it said he had just gotten off the call with Axel. Really simple mistakes like that where you're not even paying attention.

What was the final nail in the coffin was Jenna finding out that Phoenix was orphaned in a car crash as a teen (which, funny story, Emily was orphaned in a car crash as a teen too! I didn't realize losing both parents in a car accident was so commonplace.). She finds out he originally came from money, and even though he's been living in the middle of the mountains alone ever since, she has to stay away from him because she's running from her old life where people controlled you because they had money. 

I know every romance has the we-have-to-be-stupid-before-our-HEA, but that is fucking ridiculous.

I'm just sad I didn't get to his deflowering to see how that went. Though considering his second kiss ever he was amazing at and for someone who has had no action was able to dry hump her to orgasm first go round, I'm sure he would have been a natural with his Pringle can cock lasting an hour with all the right moves instead of coming in one and a half thrusts.