A review by avisholkoff
It Was All a Lie: How the Republican Party Became Donald Trump by Stuart Stevens


I'll let Stevens' thesis on page 95 speak for itself:
"All Republicans want to is beat the team that's playing the Giants. They aren't voters using using active intelligence or participants in a civil democracy, they are fans."

This book was a fascinating look at someone who worked on the inside of republican politics, debunking the party's ideology and goals. From coded racism to fraudulent "family values" Stevens exposed every policy/messaging and exposed it for its flawed and hypocritical nature.

The book is essentially a manifesto that exposes the significant hypocrisy of the contemporary republican party. It was an ideal length and had it been any longer I would've lost interest.

I also want to make clear that Stevens doesn't absolve blame, which made it worth reading. He argues that ever since Goldwater, the republican has functioned as an implicit white grievance party and that for whatever reason it wasn't until Trump, he realized it. He renounces it.

4 star, well 3.75 rating. It was good, though perhaps could have done without the bush apologist lines