A review by crazyforbooksandcoffee
Alien Clay by Adrian Tchaikovsky


Professor Arton Daghdev is being shipped off to an alien planet as punishment to a labour campon Kiln. There he is condemned to work in this alien world until he dies. The planet Kiln has the strangest ecosystem which when given a chance will invade the human body and take over. Daghdev has to fight to stop Kiln invading his body as well as the strict regime of the labour camp and its leader. Which will kill him first ? Kiln has a secret will Daghdev be the one to discover what others have failed to find.

I had a great time reading this. A very creepy dark atmosphere. I will be thinking about this book for quite some time. This is a brilliant sci fi quick read and I would highly recommend it. 

Thank you to Netgalley, Pan MacMillan  and Adrian Tchaikovsky for an advance copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.