A review by neurodivengeance
Just Say Yes by Judith McDaniel


Omg this was simultaneously awful and amazing, I really got into it! Lindsey pissed me off but mostly because I really related to the most annoying bits about her (constant analysis and self-doubt, frequent inability to understand any situation as not being about her own drama). The sex scenes were a bit vanilla for my readingporn tastes (even the one that wasn't meant to be vanilla still seemed pretty vanilla) and I will never accept 'centre' as a euphemism for cunt but it was fun to internally criticise! I just loved how fucking lesbian the whole thing was, like the fact that someone had 'a lover named Nutmeg' and the bit where Angie was aggressively promoting safer sex and everyone was like nooooooo. The lack of resolution with the murder storyline was a bit annoying. Also I don't understand why the narrative voice went from mostly third person to occasionally first person from Lindsey's perspective? It didn't scan. But it was nice to charge through!