A review by pattyfgd
Cry for Me by Kay Elle Parker


Cry For Me
Club Avalon#2
By Kay Elle Parker
Narrated by Gunnar Qualen and Jenna St Claire

Once again, I am captivated by the writing of Kay Elle Parker. This series not only gives us the spice, but a story to sink your teeth into. This book features Anarchy, a sweet sub who pines after sadist, Master Jasper. He is always watching her, but feels he is too dark for her and is afraid what he may do to her. Anarchy has found out the real meaning of family in the club, and with Atticus, Connie, Braun and Brodie realized their is more to the word than blood. This group knows what their friend Jasper needs, and they know it’s Archie..they just need him to realize it. But even together, in love and finding their way, their is a darkness that follows Jasper. And it’s dangerous. High suspense, the true meaning of friendship and love like no other, Parker takes us on a wild ride. Anarchy is a fantastic heroine. I love how she transforms and finds her strength. Loyal and loving, she is amazing. Jasper is quite a man. He is extremely attentive and finally finds his way through his past. This is the kind of story I love, with community, suspense and love. It’s the perfect listen.

Narrated by the team of Gunnar Qualen and Jenna St Claire I am treated to a fabulous interpretation of these characters. Qualen knows how to play the alpha male and can add that bit of vulnerability and emotion but not lose his dominance. St Claire is fabulous as Anarchy. She is a complex woman, and each stage of her transformation is pulled out and felt with St Claire’s emotional portrayal. This team knows how to tell a story and make it come alive!

#ALC #comingsoon #clubavalon #bdsm #romanticsuspense #audioromance #kayelleparker #gunnarqualen #jennastclaire