A review by speculativeshelves
The Rise of Skywalker: Expanded Edition by Rae Carson


I feel like it's weird to say a novelization is better than the movie but in a lot of ways I think it is?

TROS is a fun film which overall I loved but I found that the extended/additional scenes in this novelization made me appreciate the film even more. The novelization allowed the fast-paced story to have more slower-paced character focused moments which is something I desperately wanted in the film (and I'm sad that we'll probably never see some of these deleted scenes, like Rey and Rose interacting, that we know got filmed but were not included in special features).

In addition, I think Rae Carson did an excellent job of tackling the numerous character arcs and ensuring they were all wrapped up in a satisfying way that in the film I feel may have gotten lost in its pacing (for example I found force sensitive Finn to be way more clear here, Lando's arc + his scene with Jannah in the end made way more sense, and Rey + Ben's relationship throughout was developed well and had a bit more closure which I found satisfying).