A review by pause_theframe
Wearing the Cape by Marion G. Harmon


What I Thought:

I did find this book rather enjoyable. Instead of the typical story of someone just becoming a superhero, and bam, they are already good at everything and know the ropes, we are given a story where superheroes happen everyday. We read along as they learn the ropes, get trained on how to control their powers and ultimately decide where they fit in, in the grand scheme of hero business.

Sure, most of them either choose to be a part of the main league of heroes or to help part time, but there are some who ultimately choose to do bad with what they have been given. The Teatime Anarchist is one of those such people, or at least we believe he is.

Throughout the story, we are hit with surprises, mishaps, fun and events that will change the world. All the while, we are learning these things from the perspective of a newly turned hero. She is caught in the middle of major events, whilst she is trying to learn about herself and decide who and what she wants to be. Ultimately, she has to make the decision of a lifetime- whether or not to trust what is in front of her. Can he be trusted?

I like the pace and style of this book. I also found the little snippets at the beginning of the chapter fun and interesting. It gave the book a different feel. I think the way that the book was written adds to it as, as mentioned, it gives the superhero world a new look, especially as we see them when they are completely new to the business.

I thought the pace was great, though at some moments it was slow, it did pick up and gain a lot of momentum thereafter. It is a unique book, with twists that you definitely won't expect and the characters are fun.