A review by lilyya
Out of the Gate by Elsie Silver


4 stars.

❛ Dear Ada,
P.S. I should have kissed you back. ❜

The story retraced the Hardings grandparents epic love story. The novella in itself wasn’t orchestrated with a heartbreaking or sad tone but the memory of their tragic deaths (mentioned in the previous book in the series) imprinted a melancholic atmosphere around every happy moment the protagonists had. However, it didn’t tarnish the beautiful connection between Ada and Dermot.

"I’m yours, Dermot. I’ve always been yours."

Ada is a twenty one year old cowgirl who had always been in love with the much older and mature ranch helper, Dermot Harding. Her crush was pretty obvious to whoever payed a little attention to their dynamic and how she followed him everywhere around Gold Rush Ranch but Dermot never viewed her as a woman until she kissed him —as a goodbye— the night before he was gone to war. Sadly, he rejected her and didn’t kiss her back. At thirty year old, Dermot freshly returned from his three years deployment to find a different version of the little girl he left behind. A girl who didn’t wait for him to experience the adult life and a girl to whom he didn’t write any letters.

"This—us—it’s everything"

Ada was without surprise a strong, stubborn female lead and Dermot was painted as a tormented hero; torn between morals and heart decisions. It was a heartwarming read balanced with explosive smut scenes. I cried and cried and cried at the ending.


avoided reading it for a year bc i knew i would end up crying my eyes out whenever i remember how both died.. alone