A review by bibliotequeish
Ever Alice by H. J. Ramsay


"more than you can ever possibly count, times double, divided by half."

The premise of this book grabbed me, and the story did not disappoint.
So often I get excited for a book, build it up in my mind before I read it, dive in and am left disappointing and almost let down by the book, like I wanted better for it.
This book delivered!

Alice is home after her adventures in Wonderland. Unfortunately all this talk about the Queen of Hearts and the white rabbit has landed her in an asylum.
Saved by the white rabbit, Alice is transported back to Wonderland where she finds herself on a dark adventure to save her head.

It is difficult to build on, or mimic such a famous story, to step into the massive shoes of Lewis Carroll, but I felt Ramsay did an excellent job.