A review by thebooktrail88
Blink by K.L. Slater


Set in Nottingham, the real location here is inside the mind of a mother and her loved ones following the disappearance of a little girl going missing.

The story flits from narrators and from present day to the days leading up to Evie's disappearance. The action never flags and the build up to the day itself, although slower than the rest of the book is still moving and gripping.

This book made me think -there have been similar cases in the news where we are quick to judge the parents or someone close before we have the facts. or to judge someone even by their hair when the parents seem the most guilty....who was responsible for this little girl going missing? As I delved deeper the black and white merged into various shades of grey.

Oh and the title - nice one - the ending gave me quick a surprise! Wasn't expecting that!