A review by jaitien
The Heart Principle by Helen Hoang


This was my first book by Helen Hoang, and it was amazing! The way that Hoang develops her characters and the sweet romance between Anna and Quan created an engrossing and heartfelt read.

Anna’s situation regarding her mental health and the expectations of her family were so relatable, it broke my heart. Hoang did such a great job with communicating the feeling of Anna being trapped by her role as her father’s caretaker, as the youngest daughter, and parallels it to her father’s own feelings of being trapped within his body post-stroke. It was a beautiful and heart-wrenching way to portray this very real-life situation.

Hoang envelops the complexity of mental health, autism awareness, and family dynamics in a sweet love story between two characters that find the one thing they need in one another— unconditional acceptance for who they are.

I loved this book for everything it is and highly recommend it. I will be reading everything else that Hoang has written and will write.