A review by kishbokai
Batman: Earth One Vol. 1 by Geoff Johns


The power of disbelief is a necessary one in comics. It's hard to take a grown man dressed up like a batman using bat-like objects, fighting criminals, delivering them to the police and drips out to a cave he calls, "The Batcave." (Bruce really likes bats, ok?)

See, kind of hard to accept that idea.

But the power of disbelief works to have that all make sense especially when you add context to the superhero. The origin story, how they trained, etc.
Here's the thing though. Once you try to make a superhero realistic, it falls apart to the worst side of the story.
That worst side is what this book covers.
That worst side is what Bruce actually is: An edgy man-child that has way too many issues and doesn't know how to deal with them.
And just, randomly decides to dress up like a bat and punch people without any real training. That part still puzzles me. Who in the real mind would decide to do this without any training? It's not like this universe has Bruce not be super rich.

To get to the point, this comic takes place with Bruce first becoming Batman in a realistic way in a realistic setting where if Gotham was filled with crime, it would turn out like this.
I would be interested.
But I'm not interested.
Partly because the reason why I read American comics is to see the character's mindset in an unrealistic world. Whether the characters really really depends on the writing, but I never want a realistic setting because it is always written poorly. Comic writers never pay attention to their world when it really counts. For example, how far do criminals control the police force?
That question doesn't get answered. Instead, it's mentioned, shows why Gordon can't do certain things but doesn't actually explain it.
However, this comic does handle the realistic characters really well. I only bought up Bruce as a negative because I can't help but laugh at him, yet, all the other characters are great.
It's just Bruce doesn't fit in this world that well because I can't take this Batman seriously.
It's literally just a guy in a costume!
He doesn't wear any protection or anything! Just thin fabric.

All in all, it's pretty mediocre, but I'm curious how this world will keep evolving.