A review by mayastone
Wicked by Any Other Name by Linda Wisdom


*May Contain Spilers*

Stasi and her best friend of the past 700 years Blair share a spacious house where each has their store (Staci a lingerie store and Blair a novelty antique store). Stasi sometimes laces her customers purchases with magical charms, usually they are nice but when Carrie buys some lingerie intending on luring her 4th husband back into her clutches Stasi interferes...

Carrie hires a high profile wizard lawyer to sue Stasi, except things don’t go quite as plan as the moment Stasi and Trev meet hearts erupt atop their heads. Hearts everyone who is magical sees and they cannot ignore. Thus after two "bad" encounters they fall into each other’s arms amidst chocolate soufflé and well...fall in love

While all this is happening it seems like Carrie has taken her case against Stasi more personally than anyone thought as several horrible things start to happen to Stasi as well as the lake that she and Blair consider a sanctuary. When the lake is enclosed by an impenetrable and dangerously reflective magical barrier and people who are friends turn against her Stasi knows that there is more going on than a simple case of a wronged woman

The story was okay but I figured out who the real “puppet masters” were long before the conclusion so to me her trip to The Library was confirmation and also told me what type of evil they were facing rather than deepened the mystery. Also, a lot of extra characters were thrown in which at times got a bit confusing to figure out who was who.

I did enjoy Horace and Jake...Horace for being crass but you still felt sorry for him and Jake it was obvious to the reader but the conclusion was funny once the girls figured everything out about him. I’d rate the story 2.5/5 for being okay but not great and for Horace and Jake.