A review by jemiscool
The Forever Sea by Joshua Phillip Johnson

Did not finish book. Stopped at 44%.
a bad thing happens. the main character watches as people around her do things. she herself does nothing for like five minutes while people are in grave danger. but finally she's inspired to do something. but she fails. so she has a flashback to her gramma being sage and mystical (more than half of this book is made up of flashbacks). then she does something crazy that's never been done before. she sings at the stupid fire and it does something no one has ever thought of because the society is a caricature of stagnation. but while heroically saving everyone, she also puts everyone in danger, and then she blacks out, unsure of whether she's gonna get tossed overboard. ragged sarah gives her a wink somewhere in there. she's the only one who can save the world, but she's also a selfish liar who puts her own desires over the entire crew of the ship around her. rinse and repeat like forty times in just the half of the book that i suffered through. exhausting.