A review by bnewson
The Fairy's Mistake by Gail Carson Levine


The Fairy's Mistake was a fun little book! Quick to read, and such an original story: The good twin was rewarded by a fairy with a jewel spewing from her mouth every time she spoke. The bad twin was cursed by the same fairy to spew bugs and all sorts of terrifying small creatures from her mouth every time she spoke. Only, to the fairy's horror, it seems that everyone takes advantage of the good twin's reward, ruining her life; and everyone gives the bad twin anything she wants in order to keep her from talking, making her life much more cushy and pleasurable than the fairy intended. How they resolve this problem makes for an entertaining read! And it's basic enough, though well-written, for my young children to understand with minimal explanations. And yes, there are the oft-demanded black-and-white illustrations dispersed throughout.

This was the first Gail Carson Levine book I've read- I'm definitely coming back for more, and taking my kids with me!