A review by alli_thebookgiraffe
Malorie by Josh Malerman


Well, I think Malorie and Bird Box could have been one large book. I really don't like the ending and I don't think this needed to be an add on to Bird Box.
SpoilerIt is oddly convenient that this has gone on for 17 years, and one random teen just figures out how to fix the problem. He doesn't even struggle through fixing it. Also, the ending just being one of those 'and then they lived happily ever after' types wasn't my favorite. This was not a necessary add on, in my opinion. This is supposed to be a horror novel, but we didn't get much of any horror. I don't really love when books just add miscommunication as a plot device. There could have been so much more to it, if Olympia had just told her early on that they couldn't go mad from being touched, and she was immune. That could have made their lives a lot easier.