A review by mariefun
Academy of the Forgotten by Eva Chase


I've liked other series by Eva Chase, like Royals of Villains Academy and Witch's Consorts, but I have to be honest: I really hated this book. From the very first page, nothing made any rational sense. A few examples:

- The school administration has no record of her brother being there yet they allow her to stay on and ask around as if there's a possibility of finding him
- She decides to claim a random bed in the dormitory and no one kicks her out.
- She starts attending classes despite never paying tuition or being told she had to take classes.
- Despite her mission being to find her brother, and then to figure out what's up with the school, she asks questions that go nowhere and gives up immediately when someone gives an obtuse answer.

Schools don't work that way, and people don't work that way, and there's no reason given for why it feels like you're in a dream where all logic is thrown out the window until the end reveal. And even then, it doesn't explain everything. There's simply too much information being held back from the reader until the end, making it way too ambiguous. I seriously started coming up with theories like, "Maybe they're all in hell or purgatory," because it felt too bizarre.

Then on top of that, the romances had no foundation whatsoever. I had no clue why any of the male characters felt attached to her or she to them. This is only partly explained by the twist ending, but it doesn't make for good storytelling.