A review by libbysbookshelf
The Narrows by Ann Petry


Ok, there are a few things to say before we get to the review. Firstly, I wouldn’t have read this or even been aware of Petry had it not been for Instagram essential @reggiereads so a huge thanks to him. Secondly, last January I read The Street by the same author and absolutely loved it. I even ended up writing an essay on the various book covers throughout the decades (for my MA). Secondly, thanks to @what_i_have_read (one of my Bookstagram besties) for buddy reading this with me. Sorry for rushing ahead and finishing without you! I’ll be there when you’re ready to chat! 

OK, to the plot. In a style that I’m recognising as Petry esque, we don’t just hear from one protagonist in this novel. In fact, the setting (The Narrows itself) is the main character and the people come and go. I suppose if I had to choose a main character it would be Link; a young Black lad with charm, looks and education. He has been adopted by Annie Crunch, but also kinda by the local bar owner and his greatest (unknown) chef. Then there is Mamie Prowther and her husband who works as a butler for a rich white family. Then there is Camilo; a young, beautiful white woman who finds herself in The Narrows one evening, running scared from the local loony (non-PC? Definitely. Forgivable because of what this book does for race? Definitely.). While running from said looney, the WHITE Camilo runs into the (strong and handsome) BLACK arms of Link. Did I mention this is set in the 1950s? In America? Yeah, so you can imagine how a relationship between a Black man and a white woman might end up. But hey, stop imagining it. Read this instead and witness some of the greatest writing ever. Read this and experience characterisation that is in league with Toni Morrison. Forget Steinbeck and McCarthy as America’s greats, instead, meet Petry. She will knock your socks of. 

I said it after I read The Street and I’ll say it with even more gusto now: READ ANN PETRY! 

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