A review by catbag
Darkdawn by Jay Kristoff


Darkdawn ✵ Jay Kristoff

So. It was fine.

My biggest beef is the ending.

Everything from here on out will be spoilers. Be warned, it’s mostly mean.

SpoilerFirst off, I absolutely do not understand why Mia couldn’t have stayed dead. Kristoff told us from book one that she would die, and yet her death was so stupid it cheapened the entire series for me. More on this later.

I’m so pissed about the lack of emotional payoff. Darkdawn had some of the best badass scenes of the series, like when Mia killed the pirate king or when she shadow jumped across the ocean, but they really weren’t accompanied by much else. Again, more later.

It felt like right here, at the end of this series, Kristoff decided to try to add emotional weight to the story. It kind of worked in regards to the gladii squad as well as Ash and Tric, but these moments felt out of place and lost in a sea of a vastly different tone. His attempts at hitting an actual emotional chord with the narrative were also in the wrong place. Surprise, surprise, I'm talking about the ending. You’d think that at the end of the end of your trilogy that you wrote to be a dark, angsty murder story, you’d want to emphasize the dark angsty death of your main character, but I guess that’s dumb. More later!

It was both annoying and standoffish to include not only the Inception version of the trilogy, but cheeky commentary on it. Was that supposed to be funny and ‘woke’? It wasn’t. Any attempts at self-awareness felt stupid and pointless. Why didn’t a single person in the process point out how much of a waste of everyone’s time this entire bit was? There was no narrative purpose to including the Inception trilogy.

Along those lines, I’m of the opinion that this entire trilogy could be several hundred pages shorter if anyone had remembered for a single moment that you’re allowed to cut things instead of add them.

In every book in this series I’ve had several points where I desperately wanted to stop reading and Darkdawn was the worst yet. Somehow the plot moves forward agonizingly slowly and yet glazes over what should be emotional or action-packed events. It doesn't make sense.

NOW, the ending. The conclusion of this review is shit, but it’s not as shit as the conclusion of the Nevernight trilogy.

I start this conclusion with a question: is Darkdawn a DC movie? Because the ending certainly made it feel like one. I’m honestly impressed that Kristoff managed to make a scene made of words printed in a book feel like it was made of shitty CGI with the contrast slammed to 100. Maybe that’s why he got paid so well. There were three LONG books of buildup to a third-person perspective fight with no stakes or any emotional weight. We all knew Mia would win, sure. That doesn’t mean you can gloss over the climax of your trilogy. I swear, he spent more time on his stupid footnotes than on his protagonist’s long-awaited and over-hyped death. Seriously, ‘disappointed’ doesn't even begin to cover my reaction at the end of Darkdawn. Angry is a better word.

Some final questions:

1. What’s the point of the footnotes? Is there one? Because I stopped reading them about 70 pages into this one in order to be able to force myself to finish it. If they were really important they should’ve been written into the narrative itself. And with that thought, I’ve decided that at least 30% of every one of these books should be put into the footnotes and then deleted.

2. Why did Tric become more flesh-like as Truedark approached? What was the point of that? Nothing happened because of that. A waste of words.

3. Why is Mia that young? What is she, 17? 18? Whatever it is it doesn’t make sense. Nothing, nothing, about her character would be negatively impacted if she were a decade older. Her being this young comes off as icky, gross, awful, weird, and gross (again).

4. Why were the shards of Anais women, and why was there “a howl spilling from their virgin throats” ????? (pages 465-466)

5. Why is there a shard of Anais in Jonnen? Wasn’t Mia supposed to collect all the shards? Didn’t she? Are there others out there who were darkin and now have new powers? I don’t actually believe Cleo, a single person, had all of them because that’s too goddamn convenient for a series that has about a million pages, so I’m going to assume there are others out there who were darken and are now… lighten?

6. Why. is. Mia. alive. JUST LEAVE HER DEAD. Now she’s just sitting in the middle of nowhere, with another person who should’ve stayed dead, for the rest of time, and for no reason at all, other than because Kristoff didn’t want to commit to killing off his favorite little 17 year old assassin slash ? chosen one?
“He does not believe in happy endings”

Does that mean he doesn’t believe in good happy endings? Because that checks out.