A review by reeyabeegale
Out of the Blue by Kathryn Nolan


I am still processing my thoughts but overall I LOVE THIS BOOK!!!

This book openly discusses the following: Parental Abuse/Neglect, Death of a loved one, Trauma over past experiences.

I don't hate second-chance romance but it's not something I read all that often -- no, actually I do avoid it as best as I can. This book, however, called to me like a siren. The minute I stumbled upon it on Amazon, I knew I have to read it immediately.

As most second-chance romance books, I was prepared for an emotional story and lots of groveling. I am so thankful that the author proved me wrong. The story of Cope and Serena tugged at my heartstrings but not in a heavy emotional kind of way. I loved how the author eliminated new relationships from the mix and focused on highlighting the growth of these characters over the years they were apart.

Out of the Blue openly discusses about trauma and grief in different ways. It should be emotional and I don't know what magic Kathryn Nolan did but she managed to convey the entire book in a light manner. It also touched on social issues such as environmentalism and sexism. Though they are not the main topic so there weren't any drastic scenes about these, it was told through the values to which these characters uphold. It did shine light on the issue [of gender inequality] in the sports community by having a strong set of female characters and for choosing a feminist heroine.

I loved the character development and growth of both characters, not just from the years they were apart but even after they've settled their differences. Their journey to reconciliation was heartfelt and it made one wish that this kind of love can exist in the real world.

Probably because I don't read a lot about second-chance romance but this is by far the best one I've ever read and the story of Cope and Serena will stay with me for a very long time.

A lot more people should read this book. If you enjoy sports romance, with a bit of suspense and a whole lot of feminism, you'll appreciate this book. I can only hope that you'll enjoy this book as much as I did.