A review by literary_lizard
Constellation of the Deep by Benjamin Flouw


As soon as I started reading this book I immediately thought of Wes Anderson films, and didn't realize until after I was finished reading that it's recommended for fans of The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou!

This story was adorable, and the artwork was incredible! The book follows a Fox, who loves the ocean. He's determined to find a new, unique plant called the Constellation of the Deep, and sets out on a diving trip to find it. He finds a lot of different plants, meets various aquatic animals, saves a whale, and makes it back home safe. It's a very adventurous story, and one that is sure to spark many questions from young readers. From the different plant life to animal that you meet along the way, environmental themes, and general curiosity, there is much to learn from this book, and it's laid out in a simple way for young readers. Plus, adults will get a kick out of some of the language used.

I know that my younger self, who was dead set on growing up to be a marine biologist, would have loved this book. If you have kids at home who love to learn, you'll want to pick up this book for them.

Thank you to the publisher, Penguin Random House Canada, for a digital ARC of this book via NetGalley.