A review by tbgr_l57l
Gemina by Jay Kristoff, Amie Kaufman



5 stars for [b:Gemina|29236299|Gemina (The Illuminae Files, #2)|Amie Kaufman|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1480097137s/29236299.jpg|44560442] by [a:Amie Kaufman|5360335|Amie Kaufman|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1478659853p2/5360335.jpg]!

“Patience and Silence had one beautiful daughter. And her name was Vengeance.”
― Amie Kaufman, Gemina

Amie and Jay are literal geniuses!!!! The Illuminae Files' distinct and original form, along with it's magnificent and always surprising rollercoaster of a plot, easily makes the series one of my favourites. (So far atleast, I have yet to read Obsidio, but I'm assured I won't be disappointed.)

If you're up for some badass science fiction young adult read with a heck of a lot of plot twists, PICK. UP. THE. FILES. Or if you're not up for that, PICK. THEM. UP. ANYWAY.

Also, did anyone else notice that the endings are such good cliffhangers?! I know I did.