A review by catsandb00ks
Cruel Fate by Kelley Armstrong


ARC received from NetGalley and the publisher in exchange for an honest review. All of my opinions are my own, and are in no way affected by the exchange.

This follows the release of Olivia's father, Todd, from prison. I cant really explain the plot of this book without spoiling the entire series.

I read the series on audio last year and really really enjoyed it. I liked the setting and the narrator. I thought the characters were well developed and the plot was engaging and approachable.

All of that was present in this story. It took me a while to get back into this world since it has been quite some time since I read the last story in this series. I liked seeing some of my favorite characters again. I thought the mystery was well written. I do wish it was a bit longer though. I thought this could definitely have been a full length novel.