A review by shobeteener
Topping the Alpha by Samantha A. Cole


This is a M/M BDSM book and is a part of the Trident Security Series. We get to know Jake Donovan more indepth and learn how he became the man he is today and what ghosts he has to lay to rest to allow himself to have a future with Nick.

In this story Nick Sawyer is coming to terms on who he is, what he wants to be and who he wants to be with. His struggle is so realistic in today's world.

It's way too easy to give spoilers on this one. I just love the way Samantha Cole writes. I felt pulled into the book from the beginning. I love revisiting with the characters from the previous books. I also like the indepth look we get into the BDSM life.

I love that there is story within a story. Not only is it a story about Nick and Jake it also is story about Trident Security Team as they are on an operative. The twist of intrigue, some humor and the sex makes this a very good book.

*I received an ARC for an honest review*