A review by ashliesydel
Payback Princess by C.M. Stunich


I struggled with this one. Usually I can read a book this size in two days. But about 51% through I had to put this down. I was just so frustrated with Dakota and her lame ass analytical bullshit. I defended some of the harsher reviews of the first book where women said teens having sex was gross. One chick even suggested it was harmful and compared high school romances to pedophilia!! Umm NO. Twilight had hotter sex scenes than the vanilla of this series. NOT that I'm complaining, just sayin...

So yeah, again I have no issue with a 16 year old getting laid because I was getting laid at 16 okay. But the uncomfortable circumstances that lead up to the actual sex was just a bit much for me. It wasn't dark it was just WTF. So yeah, put this book down for a few days. Read Queen of Anarchy by Eva Ashwood (fucking hot) and Hating and Dating Your Boss with Style by Alina Jacobs (funny rom com) then came back.

I'm not sure if I just needed that break or what but OMFG shit popped off. I absolutely LOVE Justin. Serial killers are the best. He's charismatic, charming, intelligent, and sure a bit crazy.. a lot of bit crazy but dude I was vibing with him.

Chas is my favorite of the guys. Love his chemistry with Dakota. Tess is less evil in this but still fucking annoying as hell. Kimber... that bitch. All I can say is before I thought this book was too long, then towards the end I was wishing there was more.

So suspenseful and exciting. I think that I prefer the overall serial killer storyline MORE than the romance aspect. Not sure if I will read anymore high school romances after this. Wait that's a lie, Six Tryst Venom by Penelope Douglas is a high school romance and it's epic. Actually all her shit is BUT I digress. This is a GOOD SERIES and I'm excited for the final book. I'm team #seattleslayer