A review by bookfessional
Sweet Poison Wine by Seanan McGuire


Reviewed by: Rabid Reads

0.06 - Sweet Poison Wine

3.5 stars

Fran and Jonathan take a belated honeymoon to Chicago, where they stumble into some rival bootlegger shenanigans. They get reeled into more than a onetime rescue when they realize that the man they saved from river hags was meant to supply the gorgons whose hotel they're staying at (who are also friends of the family) with Medusa wine, which is deadly to humans.

The wine appears to have been stolen by a competitor--a human competitor--so they must retrieve the wine not only so the gorgon's upcoming religious ceremony can take place as planned, but also so the idiots who stole it don't die horrible deaths.

Basically, it was Fran's kind of honeymoon. *winks*

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