A review by amanda1793
A Visit from the Goon Squad by Jennifer Egan


So after reaching just about 25% of this book, I can honestly say that I'm not enjoying it, and I don't feel that forcing myself to read it is going to make me like this book any more.

I'm not enjoying the way the story is being told. I'm finding the flipping perspectives don't always have a clear voice, they aren't distinguished enough for me to get invested in the characters or their part in the book. The fact that the clear voice is lacking is seriously driving me nuts. If you're going to change the perspective, change it clearly!

There is a constant flip on the time line, past to present, to glimpses in the future... The on going constant flip that is present in not one but two aspects of the book is making this more and more difficult to invest my time and my reading enjoyment.

Overall, I feel bad about DNF'ing a Pulitzer Prize Winner, but I can't force myself to continue, when I can't invest anymore time into the headache I currently feel while trying to read it. The chances of me retuning to this book is not likely.