A review by git_r_read
The Solace of Bay Leaves by Leslie Budewitz


Another of my favorite series and authors. I love the setting and the characters. I want to visit this Spice Shop, meet Pepper and her crew.
There is so much going on in this one, but not so much as to be distracting. Two similar shootings, several years apart with tangential connections and the connections become less tangential as Pepper investigates further.
New characters are introduced and I do hope some stick around for future books. I also enjoy watching Pepper's mind work. She loves reading mysteries and I get new-to-me authors to add to my lists. One of our mutual favorites is Ellis Peters' Brother Cadfael series. She feels a connection to Cadfael, he of the apothecary and she of the Spice Shop.
I get neat ideas on adding spices to my collection and if I had a group of friends like Pepper does, I'd do Chick Flick Night too. I like her friendships and how Pepper's character continues to grow and mature. I like that she doesn't stand still, she grows.
I can definitely recommend this book, this series and this author.