A review by beckymmoe
In the Dog House by Traci Hall


Reviewed on my blog, Becky on Books, on 2/11/19>.

Likable characters and a sweet romance, plus dogs? Yes, please!

In the Dog House is a second chance romance for Emma and Jackson--high school sweethearts, he left her to join the Marines and they haven't seen each other since. Now he's back to care for his nephew while his sister (hopefully) recovers from a bad accident, and he himself is having issues with PTSD. Emma just so happens to be working on her doctorate while training emotional support dogs (a pretty convenient coincidence, but I was willing to go with it), but will he take her help?

I really liked the characters here; it was easy to root for them to get together again. Their issues were real, though, and both the characters and the reader spent a lot of time wondering if they really could find their HEA in the end. For a lot of the book, it seemed they took three steps back for every one forward in their relationship--until the end, which then ended up feeling a bit abrupt. So--although the pacing felt a little off here, I liked the characters and the concept, and will be keeping an eye out for more from this author in the future.

Rating: 3 1/2 stars / B=

I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book.